A Bit of a Habit

Excuse the pun, but when it comes to fish that hold spice well, there’s only one denizen of our seas that springs to mind for me, time after time.

I’ve eaten monk or anglerfish or Lophius piscatorius to give it’s more accurate monikor , in all corners of the country and I hasten to add, this year also at sea, aboard the hake netter Ajax, way out in the Western Approaches, served up to me only minutes from the net and with a flavour to die for.


However, I’ve not yet really mastered the beast in a spiced-up and mouthwatering Asian form, but on noticing the incredibly appetising and soul-enriching offering from Mrs Portly recently, I had no choice but to plead vociferously for it to appear here. Which she duly and most generously agreed to.

So here for your delectation, is a guest blog, a marvellous take on this sometime misunderstood, but ubiquitous seabed-dweller from a passionate fellow seafoodie.

Just click on the link and feast your eyes on this fella as you open the door to Mrs Portly’s welcoming kitchen, where Tandoori-spiced monkfish is most definitely on this week’s specials…..

Thank you Linda ! x

via Tandoori-spiced Monkfish

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